Hello I am Vivie and I am at Helping Hands 4 Wildlife for the second time now. The first time I came in 2022 for a month in November during baby season. From the first moment I arrived i knew that I was going to love this place! The people here Nicky, Flo, Elli and all the others made me feel like family really quickly and that’s what makes it so special here. You feel welcome right from the beginning. The other part that makes this place complete and even more special are of course the animals.

Every morning its nice to get up knowing that this is another day where we all work together to help the vervet monkeys and all the other animals here with the aim to release them one day or give them a better life. I am now back after a year for another two months. This time I had the special opportunity to be part of the release of the oldest vervet troop who was ready to be wild and free. To see them enter freedom made me feel so grateful and brought me back some hope that’s why its maybe possible to create a world again where we respect every species and live happy together!

As I mentioned before, the first time I came was during baby season. So when I arrived Louis and Tobi were the first to arrive for the season and when I left it was Goku, Vito, Kniffel, Ruffio and Gus. Of course it was impossible not to fall madly in-love with them and thats why it makes me so happy to see them one year later, all bigger, wilder and healthy. Now they have formed a nice troop who arrived after I left last year. This troop will hopefully stick together as their release gets closer and closer. What I want to show with what I am writing down is that this place here is magic! I promise with all my heart that if you come here because you want to change something for the animals on this earth, the work here will make you as happy as it made me! And let me tell you its hard work with big rewards!!!


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